X,Y,Y,X,Y Refill your Stasis and Kinkiness energy (good for multiple use) X,X,Y,Y,Y Refill you Oxygen (good for multiple use)
+5,000 credits (one time only per play through) YXYXXYXXYXXY +5 Nodes (one time only per play through) +2,000 credits (one time only per play through) +2 Nodes (one time only per play through)
+10,000 credits (one time only per play through) +1,000 credits (one time only per play through) also if you don't care about cheating there are some cheats that im going to list below that should help.
You will not be able to carry anything over from the last play so make sure to conserve your ammo and play carefully. Now to unlock impossible you have to complete the game at least once on ANY difficulty then when you start a new game it will be on the difficulty selection screen. First of all the last difficulty is called impossible now as the name tells this is very difficult you will want to upgrade your favourite weapon's as you will need extremely strong fire power i would suggest the line cutter its a good gun.