Takes you to anintroductory tutorial trainingmission. A variety ofoptions which allow you tofully customize your controlsand settings. Save Game (only active ifyou go to the Main Menufrom gameplay). Begins a com-pletely new game, startingwith difficulty level andcharacter creation. Main MenuThe first thing you see whenDeus Ex loads will be theMain Menu, which has thefollowing options. Right-clicks are referred to as right-clicks. All references in this playguide to a click refer to a left mouseclick. Moving & Throwing.25Ĭontainers.25Ĭomputer Terminals.25Ĭredit Chits & ATMs.26 Self-Powered Items.17Ĭommunicating.18Ĭombat.19Īiming.19īooby Traps.22ĭamage & Healing.22 Saving & Loading.3Ĭharacter Creation.4Īppearance.5