Fallout tactics divine favor

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Some of the 'rules' from the RPGs still apply. It sucks to discover that he might be too weak to carry a proper sniping rifle when you've already played 10 missions. If you know other Fallout games the weapons wont spoil you on anything but you might be able to build your main character with a specific weapon in mind. If you have a high steal skill you can steal quite a lot of nice items from people in the bunkers.Įdit: Gamebanshee has a nice site where you can look at the various waepons and their stat requirements. If your squaddies aren't crawling because they are overweight at the end of a mission you did something wrong. Pick up any loot you might find and trade it in for cash at the home base.

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I never used them and still beat the game (with the occasional reload). In the midgame heavy weapons are quite useful I hear. In this case targeted hits are quite worth it, not for the damage but the chance at blindness or knockdown. With the silent running perk and melee weapons you can take out even the late game enemies if you use a team of soldiers. Sneaking IS useful but only if you raise it to really high levels. There are lockpick books, too but you might want to have a high skill earlier than the books allow.

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You will find enough skill books in the game to raise your score high enough for all applications. Never select Electronics, Traps, Driving, Repair, First Aid or Outdoorsman as tag skills.